Author: Siyu Jia

2023 Annual Event

We had an unforgettable celebration of 2023 with founders, LPs and friends at our annual meeting and dinner.

Our fireside chats featured insights from partners at Prosperity7 and Felicis on the ever-evolving AI world and strategies to build defensible moats; next up were awe-inspiring presentations and demos from MotherDuck, Modal Labs, TigerGraph and Vellum.

Happy holidays and look forward to seeing you in the next year. Onwards and upwards!

Modal Lab’s Series A and GA Launch

We are privileged to be a part of Modal’s Series A round to redefine the future of end-to-end cloud compute, providing serverless GPU to deploy AI models and run inference in the cloud with a few lines of code, without the complexities of setting up and maintaining your own cloud infra.

Modal Labs has launched its General Availability version. Everyone can try it out and run code in the cloud in a few minutes. Check it out today and you will be surprised how frictionless, scalable and cost-efficient it is!

Databricks’ Series I

Congrats to the Databricks team for the $500M Series I! We are so thrilled to double down our investment through its round, as an existing investor and faithful believer. We believe Databricks is incredibly positioned to be a generational company in the AI era, due to its robust tech/product, rapid pace of innovation, open-source root and vibrant ecosystem. Cannot wait to see what’s ahead for Databricks as it continues the journey of democratizing AI and Data through relentless innovation.

See more: press release on Forbes

“The Future of AI Infra” Event

Eastlink Capital and Future Builders held “The Future of AI Infra” event on July 23, 2023. We were lucky to have “Top Guns” in the AI infra space  for our lineup of speakers and panelists including Bob van Luijt (Weaviate), Nikita Shamgunov (Neon), Mingxi Wu (TigerGraph), Li Shen (PingCap), Frank Liu (Zilliz) and Ofer Mendelevitch (Vectara).

Topics covered included: the modern AI infra stack; challenges, opportunities & landmines in AI; AI for databases; “grounded generation”; vector databases; and more. The presentations, demos, and conversations were truly educational and inspiring for our ~65 audience of AI founders, engineers, and builders, who spent an afternoon for an interactive and engaging discussion.

Huge thank you to our gracious co-hosts Morrison Foerster for sharing their beautiful Palo Alto office space and supporting us with their lovely events team! Thanks to Cooley for also sponsoring this event!

This is the first in a series of AI events that we plan to host in the future. Let’s continue to push the field.

MotherDuck Recognized on 2023 Enterprise Tech 30

Congrats to MotherDuck for being recognized on the 2023 Enterprise Tech 30 list. Quite an impressive lineup: MotherDuck was one of the five companies that was founded in the last 18 months.

Vellum Featured in Google I/O

Congrats to Vellum for being featured in Google I/O 2023 keynote as a DevTool partner.

LLM developers, sign up at to try it out!

2022 Annual Meeting

We celebrated 2022 with our LPs, portfolio company executives, advisors/fellows/scouts and friends through a memorable and vibrant Annual Meeting and Dinner on Dec 5. It was a great honor to have Prof. John Taylor (Professor of Economics at Stanford, former Under Secretary of US Treasury for International Affairs) to share his perspectives on Fed and U.S Economy. During the fireside chat, Anthony Sun (ex-Managing Partner of Venrock, co-founder of GGV), Joanne Chen (GP at Foundation Capital), Xuedong Huang (Technical Fellow and CTO of Azure AI, Microsoft) and Timothy Chou (Instructor of Cloud Computing at Stanford and ex-President of Oracle On Demand) discussed the future of data and AI. Eastlink portfolio companies presented their amazing achievements. We are grateful for your support and being a part of your journey!

MotherDuck Raises $47.5M Funding to Bring DuckDB to the Cloud

We at Eastlink Capital are so thrilled to be part of MotherDuck’s $12.5M Seed led by Redpoint and $35M Series A led by Andreessen Horowitz. Other co-investors include Madrona, Amplify and Altimeter. MotherDuck is a hosted cloud offering of DuckDB, one of the hottest open-source database projects known for its lightweight, fast performance and ease to use, but runs on single node & on premise. Think of MotherDuck vs. DuckDB like how Microsoft Office 365 brings Excel / Word, etc. to the cloud and facilitates team collaboration and version control.

Read the company’s announcement

Why We Invested in Exotanium, a Next-Gen Cloud Resource Management Platform

by Steven Xi, Siyu Jia

Compute cost has always been a concern of cloud adoption and burden for the enterprises that consume a lot of cloud resources, such as those that conduct workload-heavy simulation, graphics rendering and especially High Performance Computing. Given the current tightening macro environment, CIOs place a heavier emphasis on ROI, in addition to performance and features.

Quite a few cloud cost optimization solutions have sprung up — many of them remain at the level of analytics and automation, while only a few have the technical in-depth down to low-level infrastructure. Exotanium, backed by patented technology from research at Cornell University, provides a layer of “cloud-prem” control designed to work across different cloud providers. Only a small number of computer scientists have the ability to manipulate the low level code of the operating system in their ways, which provides Exotanium with a high technical moat. Through live migration technology that is transparent to container runtime systems, containerized applications can be seamlessly migrated between virtual machines (VM) instances. By leveraging cloud spot market, which is cost-effective but subject to termination at any time, Exotanium’s X-Spot can generate up to 90% reduction in cloud compute cost while maintaining high reliability.

“The most magic thing about Exotanium is that it can predict which spot VM instance is going to run out and relocate the containers out of it,” said a customer. Exotanium’s unique AI/ML algorithm analyzes the correlation between various signals and actual termination events, and automatically switches between spot instances and on-demand instances without interruptions to applications. This enables the long-running stateful apps to use cheap machines, and therefore resolves the tradeoff between cost and reliability beautifully. Having a legacy app that nobody really knows how it works? Not a worry — no need to modify a single line of your code!

Exotanium’s additional benefits include better security and performance, enabled by its X-Container technology, which combines the strength of application containers and virtual machines. Used to be positioned as a security company at the inception, Exotanium utilizes X-Container architecture to improve inter-container security isolation. In a project partnered with DOE Idaho National Lab, Exotanium demonstrated not only more than 70% cost savings, but also faster performance than the native implementation.

In addition to the iconic X-Spot, Exotanium’s X-Stack automatically packs or unpack containers into different numbers of VMs depending on the workload, while X-Scale adjusts the machine size and power based on the current demand. Through dynamic scaling up and down without shutting down the applications, cloud-based software companies can minimize the redundant resource reserved for peak workloads. Exotanium is working on expanding its product line with further optimization on cost, reliability and security, as well as flexibility for hybrid cloud and multi-cloud strategy. We look forward to seeing more magic from Exotanium to fine-tune enterprise customers’ control over cloud computing.

Behind it all is exactly the right team to unleash the power of cloud back-end optimization. It has been a great pleasure working with CEO Prof. Hakim Weatherspoon and CTO Dr. Zhiming Shen. They are world-class researchers in cloud computing and operating systems, and then co-founders of the Cornell spinout to commercialize their R&D innovation. The academic root of Exotanium mirrors our portfolio company Databricks, a leading data and AI company which originated from UC Berkeley’s RISELabs. InsightFinder, another Eastlink’s portfolio company with origins in academia, was spun off from Prof. Helen Gu’s group at N.C. State University and leverages unsupervised machine learning to predict IT incidents hours ahead.

We are excited to be part of Exotanium’s Series A round of financing. Eastlink Capital’s core investment strategy is to back technical founders with unique products / technologies, and Exotanium fits well with this theme. We strongly believe Exotanium is well on its way to take sig

InsightFinder $10M Series A Empowers IT With Incident Prevention

We are excited to continue backing InsightFinder in its Series A round. Founded by Prof. Helen Gu at the Department of Computer Science of North Carolina State University, InsightFinder predicts incidents hours ahead though unsupervised machine learning.

About InsightFinder

DevSecOps, IT operations, and site reliability engineering (SRE) teams rely on InsightFinder to predict and prevent outages in complex distributed architectures. Powered by unique patented capabilities for incident prediction, unsupervised active machine learning, and pattern-driven auto-remediation, the InsightFinder platform continuously learns from machine data to identify and fix problems before they impact web or application performance. Customers gain value quickly, starting with an InsightFinder free trial and the company’s pre-built integrations with Datadog, Elastic, New Relic, PagerDuty, Prometheus, ServiceNow and other popular tools for DevSecOps, IT operations management (ITOM) and IT service management (ITSM)

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